In 2019, a workshop hosted by the IUCN/SSC Canid Specialist Group recommends that because DNA evidence shows the side-striped jackal ( Canis adustus) and black-backed jackal ( Canis mesomelas) to form a monophyletic lineage that sits outside of the Canis/ Cuon/ Lycaon clade, that they should be placed in a distinct genus, Lupulella Hilzheimer, 1906 with the names Lupulella adusta and Lupulella mesomelas. (2005), modified to incorporate recent findings on Canis species, Canis The cladogram below is based on the DNA phylogeny of Lindblad-Toh et al. Ĭanis is primitive relative to Cuon, Lycaon, and Xenocyon in its relatively larger canines and lack of such dental adaptations for hypercarnivory as m1–m2 metaconid and entoconid small or absent M1–M2 hypocone small M1–M2 lingual cingulum weak M2 and m2 small, may be single-rooted m3 small or absent and wide palate. In 1955, the ICZN's Direction 22 added Canis familiaris as the type specimen for genus Canis to the official list. In 1926, the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN) in Opinion 91 included Genus Canis on its Official Lists and Indexes of Names in Zoology. All species within Canis are phylogenetically closely related with 78 chromosomes and can potentially interbreed. Our November pack, The Dragon Pact is live! Get the RPG Pack Here, Purchase the Singles Here, or Subscribe Here!The genus Canis ( Carl Linnaeus, 1758) was published in the 10th edition of Systema Naturae and included the dog-like carnivores: the domestic dog, wolves, coyotes and jackals.

Most have forgotten Lucian’s time as Count, and for many it is a tale of the Werewolf Count that grows more ludicrous and over the top as time progresses. That was decades ago, since then he and his sons have undertaken the curse of lycanthropy from Ariana as well, and it has stilled their aging significantly. Here he halted, and together he and his sons felled trees with what tools they brought with them and over many weeks built a new home for themselves, many days from civilization. East he travelled, finding himself in the woods near Vorkweg. Thus with no other choice Lucian decided to abdicate his position then and there, giving all power to his younger brother who was a Captain in the Royal Karkanoth Navy He took his children, his wife and enough horses to carry them and left Havenmond, never to return. The crowd wanted blood, they wanted Ariana and her spawn killed, suspecting the Count to be a monster as well. The count’s attempt to allay fears and still the roaring tide was fruitless. Mobs gathered to try bring the two to death, for the commoners claimed the two had become beasts that night and were responsible for over a dozen deaths in a single night. When the sun rose a guard found the pair ragged and bloodied in an alleyway near the port. Guards were pulled from their night duty on the street to search for the pair in the keep and its surroundings. Alarms were rang through the keep and Lucian along with his three sons and dozens of guards spent the night scouring for the pair. The countess and her daughter nowhere to be seen. Though after this time tragedy struck, guards heard a scream and a shattering of glass, entering the chamber that housed the ill mother and daughter, only to find their healer eviscerated, guts strewn across the floor and the skylight above shattered, bloody and enormous paw prints leading up the stone wall. The two stayed bedridden for two more weeks, their fever finally seeming to simmer down. Their group had been attacked, and only the countess and her daughter had survived, brought in by pilgrims of Erdrydion who had found them the day after the attack and kept them stable after healing their wounds. Though barely two weeks after they left, the two returned, injured and under a wrathful fever. His wife, Countess Ariana had travelled south with their daughter and a retinue of guards and bannermen to visit family in the citadel of Vunderwahl. Roads that were once dirt and mud became cobblestone, abandoned and dilapidated buildings became hospitals, orphanages and shelters. Schools were named in his honour, ships given titles after his children. Though they were decades ago, the count was well loved and threw many festivals for his people, revelled in feasts and public affairs and brought about much change to Havenmond. NEW: The Dragon Pact High quality models of dragon themed NPCs and monsters.Īny that remembered the years of Count Lucian in Havenmond remember them fondly.The King has sent his finest to try to investigate, but they have not returned. November 22 RPG Pack: The Dragon Pact Rumours of Dragon sightings are spreading across Tharador’.